
Correspondence Address

Fraunhofer FHR
International Summer School on Radar/SAR
Fraunhoferstraße 20
53343 Wachtberg



Dr. Matthias Weiß
Phone: +49 (0)228 / 9435 - 267
Fax: +49 (0)228 / 9435 - 618

Organiser / Host

The host of the International Summer School on Radar / SAR is the

Fraunhofer Institute for High Frequency Physics and Radar Techniques FHR.

Fraunhofer FHR is one of the leading and largest research institutes in Europe in the area of high frequency and radar techniques. For its partners, the institute develops customized concepts, techniques and systems for electromagnetic sensors from the microwave range through to the lower terahertz range.

At Fraunhofer FHR, research activities focus on high frequency sensors for high-precision range or position determination as well as imaging systems with resolutions of up to 3.75 mm. The application spectrum of these devices ranges from reconnaissance, surveillance and protection systems to real-time capable sensors for traffic and navigation as well as quality assurance and non-destructive testing. The systems from Fraunhofer FHR are renowned for their reliability and robustness: radar and millimeter wave sensors are ideal for complex tasks, also under critical ambient conditions. They operate under high temperatures, in the presence of vibrations or in zero visibility conditions caused by dense smoke, steam or fog. Hence, radar and related high-frequency systems are also key technologies for defense and security.

Fraunhofer FHR offers its profound expertise in the business units Defense, Space, Human and Environment, Traffic, Security and Production. The techniques and systems developed at Fraunhofer FHR are used, on the one hand, to conduct research on new technologies and designs. On the other hand, the institute – in cooperation with companies, authorities and other public bodies – develops prototypes that are designed to master currently unsolved challenges. Here, the specific focus lies on the maturity of the systems and their suitability for mass production, thus ensuring that they can – in cooperation with a partner – be quickly transformed into a finished product.

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